(410) 417-8206

A Chilly Family Portrait Session at the Jefferson Memorial

This was a challenging shoot! Between the bite in the December air, and the smallest member of our party having had a rough morning, these kiddos needed a little extra attention, but they got it and the results paid off.

About an hour before sunset, we met at the George Mason Memorial due to its proximity to convenient parking. We spent some time there warming up (so to speak, it was really quite cold). The George Mason Memorial is itself a fantastic place for portraits, especially if anyone in the party has some mobility limitations. Of course, with this group that wasn’t really a concern, but any time you’re working with small children it’s a good idea to get started as quickly as possible because you never know when they’ll decide they’ve had enough; you don’t want to spend all of their energy on a walk to the location only find them unwilling to participate by the time you get there!

Our youngest that day was definitely having a time and he needed some love. His mom was so patient with him, and we all played games with the camera that brought out some of his enthusiasm and he eventually settled in a bit and played along.

Toward the end of the session we walked across the street to the Jefferson where we were able to take advantage of some of the nice views of the Washington Monument and the gorgeous sunset lighting that time of year.