Family Portraits Together at Jonas Green Park in Annapolis

I had the good fortune of getting to photograph family portraits with Isahi and her husband Andy, their three children, and Isahi’s brother Drew and his wife Xaymara and their son, at Jonas Green Park in Annapolis. This was my second session with this wonderful family and it was great to see them again. The session took place in the late afternoon on a beautifully clear day, although it ended up being a bit colder than we had anticipated. Despite the chill in the air, everyone was in good spirits and ready to have their photos taken.

Isahi and Andy’s twin daughters were a bit shy at first, as many young children can be when faced with a camera. However, their older sister was a great help in getting them to relax and have fun during the session. Drew and Xaymara’s son wasn’t as enthusiastic about participating this time around, but we were still able to capture some nice photos of him with the rest of the family.

As we photographed the group, it was clear that this was a close-knit and loving family. Andy’s mother, Margo, was also present for the session and it was heartwarming to see the strong bond between her and the rest of the family.

It was a great session overall, and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to capture these moments with Isahi and her family. It’s always a pleasure to work with families and it was especially great to see this one again. I can’t wait to work with them again!