Eleanor & Jeremy’s Laidback Neighborhood Portraits in Silver Spring, Maryland

Eleanor & Jeremy, along with their two boys, are clients we eagerly anticipate working with each year. Their commitment to capturing family moments with Felipe has spanned more than a decade, beginning with our inaugural promotion through Groupon. At that time, we were in the early stages of our business — green and learning as we went, but they were willing to grow with us.

The boys, from the start, were captivated by Felipe’s energy and enthusiasm, which allowed him to establish a strong connection with the family. It’s become a tradition for them to explore new locations for their annual photoshoot. This year, however, they opted for a change of pace and chose to stay closer to home. Their neighborhood presented the perfect backdrop, offering an idyllic setting with meandering pathways, elegant stonework, pristine lawns, and the brightly colored foliage of autumn at its peak.

Their session started on a neighborhood lawn, with a colorful tree line washed in sunlight behind them, where they utilized natural light complemented by an unmodified external flash. This combination produced a series of vibrant, seated portraits of the whole family. From there, they ventured into the shadier areas tucked between the buildings.

Felipe soon encountered a hiccup that all photographers will eventually experience at some point: he had left his memory cards back at the office. Oops. I, too, made that mistake in my own early days. In my case, sans a studio manager, I remember the panicked rush to find a quick solution at the nearest Target store. In Felipe’s case, he’s got me. Luckily, Jeremy’s quick thinking allowed them to continue the session using a spare memory card he had at home while I came to the rescue. Within 20 minutes of the call about the forgotten cards, I was on the scene with Felipe’s card wallet, and ready to transfer the images they had already taken.

This small snag unexpectedly provided us with a memorable moment, as we captured a rare photo of the family with Felipe joining them. It’s fitting, really, considering he’s been documenting their lives for such a long time; it was about time he appeared in one of the pictures.

Once the memory card mishap was resolved, the photo session resumed smoothly. Felipe captured individual shots of each of the boys, as well as some wonderfully candid photos of the two of them together.

Every time Felipe completes a session with Eleanor & Jeremy’s family, he returns with images that are authentic and true to life. These are the kind of images that often only come about when the subjects and the photographer have a well established familiarity and comfort with one another. Ultimately, this year’s photoshoot with Eleanor & Jeremy’s family, despite its brief interruption, was a reflection of a great friendship they’ve built with Felipe. It’s a relationship that has not only stood the test of time but has also enriched the photographic experience, resulting in images that are not just visually appealing but emotionally resonant, too. Their decision to keep the session local this year also allowed for a fresh perspective on familiar surroundings, proving that sometimes the most meaningful moments can be captured right in your own backyard.