William Petruzzo

Bowie, MD

I’m a bit of an artistic jack-of-all-trades. From a young age, I admired my father’s photography, sparking a lifelong love affair with the arts that has guided me through various mediums: illustration, cinema, graphic design, and even music. I’d describe myself as a creative explorer, constantly seeking new ways to express and understand the world around me. Art, to me, is love, and love brings life. Each day I strive to bring things to life through my art, even when it’s messy. I believe it’s through this discipline that we can learn so much about ourselves and those around us.

I’m a firm believer in a happy life being one filled with people you love and passions you have the freedom to pursue. My love for the arts isn’t just personal, but also professional, as I offer my services through the Petruzzo Photography. I’m always eager to take on new projects and challenges!

In my downtime, you might find me with admiring the world of Dungeons & Dragons from the sidelines, designing clever solutions to unique problems with my 3D printer, playing a classic Legend of Zelda game on my Nintendo, tending to my tomato and pepper plants, or imagining what my life might have been like if I were brave enough to join an improv troupe.

Through the varied nature of my work, my greatest passion remains art. And if you’re interested in commissioning my services, or just want to chat about the latest trends in graphic design or the nuances of film production, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m always open to meeting new people and exchanging ideas!

I live a happy and mostly quiet life in my childhood home in Bowie Maryland with my partner Michael — and Bailey, the best dog in the whole world.

Come find me: